Tasmota MQTT finds lights but marking them as sensors

I have a problem with my home assistant, MQTT is finding my 10 tasmota bulbs but when I go to entities it only shows sensors and no lights. These bulbs have been connected for a while but I had to remake my home assistant recently and after that they never reconnected correctly.

I have triple checked all my settings and discovery does work as it does find the devices but it does not bring up lights as an entity. I have even tried the setoption20 to 1 to force home assistant to detects lights but still no go.

When I rebuilt my home assistant I restored a backup. I would really like to not have to reinstall home assistant from scratch and set everything back up as my Google Nest stuff was kind of a pain to get set up. Any ideas?

No logs, no issue.

Also Home Assistant - Tasmota

What version of Tasmota is on these bulbs ?

As others have said, without copies of logs, we are all blind. :question: :dark_sunglasses: :question:

  • At the very least, connect to the Tasmota device using a browser, paste in your commands, and copy the text so we can see the output.
  • Using Tasmota console, dump the config using status and status 0. Consider editing the output to redact details such as passwords and IP addresses.
  • Check the Tasmota Options again as SetOption20 is for colour control. This may just be a forum copy-paste issue, however here’s my equivalent after pasting SetOption30 on the Tasmota command line to check the device is set to a light (SetOption30 1 to auto-discover as a light):
07:50:44.538 CMD: SetOption30 
07:50:44.544 MQT: stat/tasmota-123456-1234/RESULT = {"SetOption30":"ON"}
  • The ideal is to generate logs of the MQTT chatter between one device and HASS. This can be done via HASS (Configuration -> Devices & Services -> MQTT Configure -> Listen to a topic, enter #, Start Listening, look for one bulb and copy the messages) .
    If you have a command line mosquitto_sub also works well.
  • At the risk of changing the environment and making tracing harder, are you using the Tasmota binding as well as the MQTT binding and Mosquitto?
    In the past, Tasmota devices would have been configured with SetOption19 1 to use auto-discovery, however the recent Tasmota binding works even better (e.g. adds state_class: config for long-term graphing).
    To move across, install the Tasmota binding (still uses MQTT to communicate) and configure SetOption19 0 on a test device. Check under Configuration -> Devices & Services -> Tasmota where the new binding should list the number of devices it has configured.

Good luck,


Don’t know if you were able to figure the issue out or not, but I had a similar issue with a few bulbs that were stuck on release and had to update to 8.2.0 using this link:


once I got to 8.2.0 the light was still only showing up as a sensor so from there I just upgraded to the current 12.1.1 release with:


once it finished the restart it showed up as a light