Tasmota MQTT IRHVAC Controller

Thank you for this project, it works great !

But is there a possibility to add more options to the card ? like light ON/OFF, more swing options, and so on …

is there a way to have swingh & swingv in a card gui?
how i need to modify these example for it?

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Econo"
        value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('climate.kitchen_ac', 'econo', 'on') }}"
          service: tasmota_irhvac.set_econo
            entity_id: climate.kitchen_ac
            econo: 'on'
          service: tasmota_irhvac.set_econo
            entity_id: climate.kitchen_ac
            econo: 'off'

hi, there are some errors in the example configuration.yaml file supplied, there’s a “binaly” instead of “binary”, and last 3 lines have wrong indentation

i’ve issues with my integration… i’ve an eachen ir device, tasmota ir edition, installed integration, dashboard card, configured, all fine, i can control my aircon no problems… but! for the first 20 minutes or so… after this, if i use the dashboard, i can see in tasmota console it gets the commands (same that worked before), but it’s like it’s not sending ir blasters out, no sign of activity on my aircon… restarting both tasmota and HA solves, for again other 20 minutes or so… what could it be?


Great job and it works fine for me.
I used the Esp8285 ESP-01M Ir Transceiver
I also made a feature request for the Homeassistant Climate module and you can help met to get it done by voting on it! Hit the vote button!

Hi, anyone tried esp32c3?
Seems like it requires several attempts to send ir signal to ac successfully (1-3 attempts)

Anyone had similar issues with this chip?

The example configuration suggests state_topic: "tele/HVAC-1/RESULT" to update the state “when the tasmota device receives an IR signal (includes own transmission and original remote)”. However, I found that the IR receiver is quite directional. It can receive signals from my remote pointing towards the AC but not from the IR emitter soldered side-by-side.

Would it be possible to make it so that the state is updated from both tele/HVAC-1/RESULT and stat/HVAC-1/RESULT?

12:57:50.046 MQT: tele/Main_Bedroom_AC/RESULT = {"IrReceived":{"Protocol":"GREE","Bits":64,"Data":"0x0C062051002200F0","Repeat":0,"IRHVAC":{"Vendor":"GREE","Model":"YBOFB","Command":"Control","Mode":"Heat","Power":"On","Celsius":"On","Temp":22,"FanSpeed":"Auto","SwingV":"Auto","SwingH":"Off","Quiet":"Off","Turbo":"Off","Econo":"Off","Light":"On","Filter":"Off","Clean":"Off","Beep":"Off","Sleep":-1,"iFeel":"Off","SensorTemp":null}}}
12:57:53.001 MQT: tele/Main_Bedroom_AC/RESULT = {"IrReceived":{"Protocol":"GREE","Bits":64,"Data":"0x0406205100220070","Repeat":0,"IRHVAC":{"Vendor":"GREE","Model":"YAW1F","Command":"Control","Mode":"Heat","Power":"Off","Celsius":"On","Temp":22,"FanSpeed":"Auto","SwingV":"Auto","SwingH":"Off","Quiet":"Off","Turbo":"Off","Econo":"Off","Light":"On","Filter":"Off","Clean":"Off","Beep":"Off","Sleep":-1,"iFeel":"Off","SensorTemp":null}}}

What hvac_model should I enter in configuration.yaml? YBOFB or YAW1F? The second one appears only when I press OFF on the remote.

Error since new HA Update

deprecated constant which will be removed in HA Core 2025.1

I just upgraded my home assistant from 2023.3 to 2024.1 and now I can’t seem to set or see the desired temperature in the climate card:

I’m not sure if this is due to this integration or HA, but is there a way to get the desired temp control back?

For some reason your temp sensor is not working, or not showing. Lets remember, that I’m using my own integration and it works pretty good for now. Can you provide some logs info about Tasmota IRHVAC from Home Assistant?

I don’t think it’s about the temp sensor, because the BME280 sensor is being picked up and it’s not about the actual temperature, but the desired temp.
However, after I manually (with the old remote) turned on and off the AC, this got picked up by the IR receiver and now I can control the temp again from within HA. Probably some HA quirk rather than this integration.

One other question though, I use both HA and my old remote and sometimes a signal is not being picked up and things go out of sync and I would like to tell HA what the actual state is. From reading the description of this PR: Fix #116 Add `state_mode` option to service command by nao-pon · Pull Request #118 · hristo-atanasov/Tasmota-IRHVAC · GitHub , it sounds that this may be fixable in the latest version, but I can’t really figure out how. Or is the PR about something else?

This PR is for something else. If the IR receiver isn’t picking always your remote or the AC isn’t picking always commands sent from Home Assistant may be try to find a better position for the transceiver. I can’t think of any better solution. Or use better IR blaster.

I have edited your latest files and have uploaded in this issues link

Can you please check if they are all ok ?

@megarch The component will be updated to use the new modes and actions objects. I saw the logs too. When I have time I’ll update it. Just to mention that even the clime entity in home assistant is using the “old and deprecated” constant and variables. As a temporary workarround just adjust the logger level of Tasmota Irhvac to lower level. Please accept my apologies for the delay!

Hey there, first of all @gh0s7, thank you for the dedication to the project. I have a question about it though. Is it possible to use esphome based ir reciever/transmitter over mqtt to use the component or there is some IR decoding/encoding magic happening on the tasmota part ? I have couple of Tuya devices converted to ESP home, because Tasmota didn’t support their chips, but i see your integration has one of the AC models i currently have, so it will be quite nice to use their hardware with ESPHome over MQTT and your custom component.

After a bit of digging i answered my question myself :slight_smile:

To give some feedback to the others if thinking the same thing - no, you can not use ESPHome transceiver over MQTT for this. The actual encoding/decoding magic is happening inside the Tasmota IR component. Fair enough. Chip replacement time as it seems :smiley:

I received the ir code from ac remote as
{“IrReceived”:{“Protocol”:“MITSUBISHI_AC”,“Bits”:144,“Data”:“0x23CB260100001808166B00000000000000B6”,“Repeat”:0,“IRHVAC”:{“Vendor”:“MITSUBISHI_AC”,“Model”:-1,“Command”:“Control”,“Mode”:“Cool”,“Power”:“Off”,“Celsius”:“On”,“Temp”:24,“FanSpeed”:“High”,“SwingV”:“Lowest”,“SwingH”:“Left Max”,“Quiet”:“Off”,“Turbo”:“Off”,“Econo”:“Off”,“Light”:“Off”,“Filter”:“Off”,“Clean”:“Off”,“Beep”:“Off”,“Sleep”:-1,“iFeel”:“Off”,“SensorTemp”:null},“RawData”:“+3410-1680+440-1260Cd+445-410CfCfCdC-405EfCdC-1255EgEh+450gEgIhIhIgEhI-1250I-400IgIhEkIkIjC-415IkIkIgIgEgEgEgEfCfCfCfCfCl+435lIkIkIkIgEgEgEfEfCfClMfC-1265CdCfIkIkIkIgEgEhEgEfEgEfEfCdE-1285+420gEdEfCfCfCdCdCfIjCfCdCdCmLmLmLfCfCfIkIgIkIkIgEgEgEgEgEgEgEfCgEgEfEfCfCfCfCfCfCfCfCfCfIkIgIgEgEgEgEgEfCfCfIkIgIkIgEgEgEfEfEfCfCfCfIkIkIgEgEfEdEdEgEh+475-1225Q-375Qr+480-13035+3425-1660+470-1230XyX-380XzIkIhIgIkIhIhIgEhEgEgEdEhIgEhEhEgEgEdEfCfCdCfCfXzIgEgEgTsTsQsT-370TsQsQsQsQzQzXzXzXzX-385TsQsQzQzXzIkX-1235X-1235X-385X-385T-370TsT-370QsQrTsTsQsEgQsQyQyQzQyXzXzXzXyXyXzXyXzXyXyXzX-385X-385QsQsQzQzXzXzXzXzX-385TsQsQsQzXzXzQsXzXzXzX-385TsQsQsQzQsQzXzXzQzXzXzXzXzXzXzX-385X-385QsQsQzQzXzXzXzXzXzXzT-370T-370+485-365T-370T-370TsQsQsQyQyQzQyQyXzQyX”,“RawDataInfo”:[583,583,0]}}
I want to turn off ac by sending this code through tasmota console, Im beginner in this so i dont know how do i do it, Help me guys !!

Hey, great software it works for my Samsung AC. Thanks!

Only problem is SwingV: gets set to “High” and my AC needs “Auto”. Any way to change this?

When I use the original remote it’s either “Auto” or “Off” in Tasmota console.

It seems i am missing something here.
The decoding part works as expected. I get proper protocol “TOSHIBA_AC” with options that make sense for the AC unit.
When changing anything in HA i see that the message compiled in the Tasmota console also makes sense. Additionally i see the IR leds blink when new command is issued for the AC from HA, but no reaction from the AC. So I am not sure how to start debugging this thing. Any pointers could be helpful.

I don’t believe it’s issue with the ir leds themselves, because i tried an identical remote, still with tuya crap on it and it works fine.

And another issue i encountered while playing with this. Suddenly i lost the ability to control the target temperature. I can only set it when using “Away mode” otherwise it sends “Temp: 0”

Hi, @kmavrov! For the first issue: Can you post your config and a code for turning your AC on that shows in Tasmota console when you press the On button on your original remote?
The latest issue you’ve got is strange. Not sure how to start debugging it. I can suggest you to remove the integration from the config, then restart Home Assistant, then put it back in the config and restart again. If this doesn’t help and If you have unique id set in the integration - try to change it (add one more digit or letter of the end of it) and restart Home Assistant. Also you can search for errors in the log (except for the depracated variables).