Tasmota no ESP12 pin info

I try to use ESP12, which is installed on the nodemsu board, with tasmota firmware.
Task - when the HC-SR501 motion (PIR) sensor is triggered, turn on the relay (set pin GPIO16 or another). When moving again, turn it off. I needed the relay to be controlled in 2 ways:

  1. switching the PIR sensor led to the switching of the relay and a message was sent to the MQTT. This should work in the absence of a wifi network. It is clear that the message actually will not be sent, but the device will be able to work independently
  2. By command on MQTT
    In the module configuration section, I set the module type generic (18) and configured port:
    D7 gpio13 - switch1 (9) (this port connect output PIR sensor)
    D0 GPIO16 - relay 1i (29) (this port connect relay) Instead of a relay, I have a LED and a resistor connected in series (for test).

Further in the section “console” I executed the following commands:
SwitchMode1 1
SwitchTopic 0
on Switch1#state=1 do BackLog Power1 1; publish stat/%topic%/PIR1 ON endon
on Switch1#state=0 do BackLog Power1 0; Publish stat/%topic%/PIR1 OFF endon
Rule1 1

As a result, I see:

  1. When the sensor is triggered, the LED (relay) turns on. The message “stat / nodemcu / PIR1 ON” appears in the MQTT broker
  2. after the sensor response time(~2.5minutes), the LED (relay)turns off.The message “stat / nodemcu / PIR1 OFF” appears in the MQTT broker
    At Home assistant, I see that the relay switches change their state.

But after a few (2-3) seconds, in the absence of movement, the relay switches on again and the cycle repeats.

-In MQTT integration, my device is displayed as a relay, but the PIR sensor is not displayed. I tried to connect a temperature sensor instead of the PIR sensor (making the appropriate module settings), then the temperature sensor is displayed for the device. Is it possible to integrate PIR into a home assistant as a motion sensor.

  • set up the rules for ESP12 for work my task correctly.