Tasmota not showing Controls nor Sensors anymore


I’ve set up a Shelly1 Plus Tasmota device (on an installation with many other Tasmota device).
It used to work quite well, till I tried to configure a custom value template. I’m not sure what I did it wrong, but even after removing the custom template and restarting HA, I can’t get the Tasmota integration to show the controls (relay1) nor the sensors (swich1) entities. They have just disappeared, and I can’t find a way to debug this (I spent 3 hours trying various things w/o any success).

Shelly1 Plus is configured as follows:

SetOption19 0
SwitchMode 16
SetOption114 1
SwitchTopic extlight

GPIO4: switch_d

MQTT Full Topic is: %prefix%/%topic%/

Tasmota shows the device with the information I don’t really need

  • MQTT Connect Count
  • Restart Reason
  • SSID
  • WiFi Connect Count

but the controls and sensors are no longer visible

I can see with mosquitto_sub that MQTT messages are sent by the device, ex.

tele/extjardin/SENSOR {"Time":"2023-01-14T20:38:02","extlight":"ON"}
tele/extjardin/SENSOR {"Time":"2023-01-14T20:38:08","extlight":"OFF"}

but Tasmota integration does not show any entities, which use to be a binary_sensor for example.

How to debug this? Thanks.

Ok, nailed it.

The problem is tied to SwitchMode 16 which is not supported by the Tasmota integration and that just explode while parsing the configuration JS string rather than handling this code gracefully…