Tasmotized Sonoff POW request consumption data on demand?

I have tasmotized Sonoff POW - I can read power consumption data from it no problem. But I would like to tell immediately (or within a second or two) when switch is turned on if there is load (= device plugged in) so I could pop up an alert if there is no device plugged in when switch is turned on.

Tasmotized Sonoffs report their state within pre-derminated period to MQTT broker, but I wouldn’t like to set reporting period down to 5 seconds which is the minimum value.

Any ideas?

Don’t know if this works with POW, but you can get manual updates from tasmota when you publish to a specific topic.

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The page you linked to @VDRainer has the exact command required for the POW.

- service: mqtt.publish
topic: “cmnd/sonoff_pow01/STATUS”
payload: “10”
- delay: 00:00:01

Did the trick with another mqtt-sensor entry with state_topic: “stat/sonoff_pow01/STATUS10” instead of state_topic: “tele/sonoff_pow01/SENSOR”

Must say Tasmota has great documentation when get directed there, thanks guys :blush:

According to that page:

Status10 gets the external sensor info.

Status8 gets the power info (follow my link above).