I’m having trouble setting up correct topics in the configurator.yaml. I was able to make switch show up, but could not control it via hassio, after few seconds off turning it on it went back to off position even tho it was on in tasmota.
My tasmota console:
00:00:00 Project sonoff Sonoff (Topic sonoffhall, Fallback DVES_E4F33A3A, GroupTopic sonoffs) Version 6.4.0(sonoff)-2_5_0_BETA1
00:00:00 WIF: Connecting to AP1 Kaunas in mode 11N as sonoffhall-4922…
00:00:04 WIF: Connected
00:00:04 DNS: Initialized
00:00:04 HTP: Web server active on sonoffhall-4922.local with IP address
19:32:12 MQT: Attempting connection…
19:32:13 MQT: Connected
19:32:13 MQT: tele/sonoffhall/LWT = Online (retained)
19:32:13 MQT: cmnd/sonoffhall/POWER =
19:32:13 MQT: tele/sonoffhall/INFO1 = {“Module”:“Sonoff Basic”,“Version”:“6.4.0(sonoff)”,“FallbackTopic”:“DVES_E4F33A3A”,“GroupTopic”:“sonoffs”}
19:32:13 MQT: tele/sonoffhall/INFO2 = {“WebServerMode”:“Admin”,“Hostname”:“sonoffhall-4922”,“IPAddress”:“”}
19:32:13 MQT: tele/sonoffhall/INFO3 = {“RestartReason”:“Software/System restart”}
19:32:13 MQT: stat/sonoffhall/RESULT = {“POWER”:“ON”}
19:32:13 MQT: stat/sonoffhall/POWER = ON
19:32:13 MQT: stat/sonoffhall/RESULT = {“POWER”:“ON”}
19:32:13 MQT: stat/sonoffhall/POWER = ON
19:32:13 MQT: stat/sonoffhall/RESULT = {“POWER”:“ON”}
19:32:13 MQT: stat/sonoffhall/POWER = ON
19:32:21 MQT: tele/sonoffhall/STATE = {“Time”:“2019-01-14T19:32:21”,“Uptime”:“0T00:00:15”,“Vcc”:3.552,“SleepMode”:“Dynamic”,“Sleep”:50,“LoadAvg”:19,“POWER”:“ON”,“Wifi”:{“AP”:1,“SSId”:“Kaunas”,“BSSId”:“A0:BD:CD:00:4A:DA”,“Channel”:11,“RSSI”:34}}
19:32:21 MQT: tele/sonoffhall/SENSOR = {“Time”:“2019-01-14T19:32:21”,“Switch1”:“ON”}
My switch.yaml
platform: mqtt
name: "Sonoff01"
command_topic: "cmnd/sonoffhall/POWER"
state_topic: "stat/sonoffhall/RESULT"
qos: 1
payload_on: "ON"
payload_off: "OFF"
retain: true
Also, what is needed after I edit my switch.yaml or configuration.yaml to take effect. I perform “Restart Hass”. Is there any quicker way?