TCP commands for Ethernet relay

No I even had 4 shell commands for a light… :wink: 2 for the state and 2 for on/off…
I think I have about 30 lights, I had like 120 shell commands :wink: , now 2 for my whole system

That’s a big reduction of lines :+1:
So the can have the same name and is that bash script also in config/python_scripts?
Such as or

No, the bash script is bash, it’s not a python file…
I has extension .sh :wink:

Yeah, I placed it in the python folder, doesn’t mather where it is…
But if you enable also python_script: in your config, you can actually call a python script, directly from a service, so no need for a shell command anymore…
So even less code, that’s for next time :wink:
But that’s why I already have that python folder already…

Yes, I already enabled python_script in the main config, I have a in the python scripts folder. I use it for birthdays and the most important date : our wedding date that I never forget again :smiley:

i just have a calendar item for that :slight_smile:

Yes indeed, now that the basic are there - how can we improve the Gui’s :slight_smile:

lots of work :slight_smile:

i tried to run te echo command on my RPI via putty but no lights are switching on :frowning:

Can you show me your tcp command?


that seems ok, you dont receive an error? are you sure your dobiss is also on 1001 port? maybe yours is different
you dont hear a relay switching?

you are turning on normally on/off your relais module C, input #1

Nothing is switching…?

But when i scan the ports i do not see that port…

Correct it should be my light in ‘bureau’

And i can upload and use the touchscreen …

maybe the commands are different, you were using a evolution pro, i have the evolution sx
not sure if sx is older or newer than the pro ?

Interesting, keep you posted.

How did you get to the header and body string as your document start with 0xAF and you start with 0xED?

Found it for the switch using wireshark

It’s in the 3th last part x03 instead of x43

However i found that the header string looks like

And body

Any idea why it’s ff instead of 00 in the header?