TechniSat double switch 0300/9498 BJ

I have a TechniSat double switch 0300/9498 on an Aeon Z-stick G5 where the electric usage in Watt is not refreshed.
When lights are out it still shows e.g. 40Watt where it should be 0.
When I replace lamps and switch the lights on, a new value will be displayed, but when you switch the lights of, the value does not go back to zero.
Even when I remove the light bulbs completely, the value does not refresh to 0

I am a HA newbee and stumble and fall while learning ;-)

Any ideas?

Best regards,
Marcel Kroon

Have you checked those settings inside the switch self?

Maybe the message interval is set to long…

i have the same issue, my settings see here - or this are the wrong parameters