Technisat szenenschalter 1 Remote Control

Oh boy! I just ordered these remote controls of Amazong and now that I integrated with HA, I dont get any options to program the 4 buttons . But I do see a Person by the Name Andy bought also these and was able to use them… Andy where are you?
or maybe someone that has these buttons and knows how to get them programed?

Do the buttons generate events in home assistant when you press them?

Check in Developer Tools / Events.

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hello and thank you for your time!
please dont be mad at me but i dont know how to use the events… :frowning:
what command do i have to use?
but i did check this on the z-wave js LOG


There’s a list of available events on the right hand side of the Developer Tools / Events page. Pick the one that looks like it could be reporting your button press events, copy it to the box at the bottom middle of the page and press the button next to that to start listening.

Perfect, I will do this once im back there again! thank you so much!

ive been here translating the instructions to English, and i believe i didnt do a good inclusion, so tomorrow I will try again, and also do what you have requested me.
thank you for your help

Hello Again,

ok i Believe it could be this one?

after start listeninng, what do i do?

Press a button and watch what is logged (you will have to scroll down).

i dont see any logs after pressing start listenining . maybe thats not the one. i am going to try all the other ones. at least to see an example on how the logs look.

these will show up right below where i clicked start listening right?



“event_type”: “state_changed”,
“data”: {
“entity_id”: “sensor.four_key_scene_controller_battery_level”,
“old_state”: {
“entity_id”: “sensor.four_key_scene_controller_battery_level”,
“state”: “83.0”,
“attributes”: {
“unit_of_measurement”: “%”,
“friendly_name”: “Four-key Scene Controller: Battery level”,
“device_class”: “battery”
“last_changed”: “2021-02-19T18:38:24.188037+00:00”,
“last_updated”: “2021-02-19T18:38:24.188037+00:00”,
“context”: {
“id”: “147e243c67eabb73a32b7667f165e5a7”,
“parent_id”: null,
“user_id”: null

but this seems to update the battery usage right? on clicking the buttons…

Yeah that’s not the sort of button press event I would have expected.

damm i dont really know what to do. i heard on some other forums to do an inclusion as secure… but nothing… i wish i knew who was the person that posted on the… hes using home assistant

Might be a stupid question, but have you tried to create an automation with ‘Device’ as trigger?

I assume the instructions are in German - if so, I can translate if you want.

ill go try right away!
thank you!

it doesnt work, because i still need to use the entities. i only get battery entities

So you don’t have additional options like this?

i olny have this

Maybe theres no library for this control on z-wave js? what tricks me is that the logs recognizes all buttons as scenes… like the picture that ive put at start

im already on my 50tiest inclusion… and i only have 20 nodes hahahahaha

Hmm that’s strange. I’d suggest to re-pair the device (note: I don’t know how to this properly, as I don’t use Z-Wave!) - might be worth a try, but I’m only guessing at this point to be honest…hopefully someone with Z-Wave experience can help out here.

It seems that I can’t upload pdf’s here unfortunately, so here are my translations of some relevant parts (i.e. second page):

Inclusion - insecure option

  1. put your primary Z-Wave Controller into inclusion-mode
  2. triple press the pairing button (the one in the center)
  3. the LED starts blinking blue and becomes green for approx. 5 seconds. The pairing was successful. If it was not successful, the device beeps once.

Inclusion - secure option

  1. put your primary Z-Wave Controller into inclusion-mode
  2. press and hold the pairing button for 3 seconds
  3. the LED starts blinking green and stays on green for approx. 5 seconds. The pairing was successful. If it was not successful, the LED will be off for 5 seconds.

Exclusion - Remove from Z-Wave network

  1. put your primary Z-Wave Controller into exclusion-mode
  2. triple press the pairing button

Reset Device
deletes the memory of the device incl. information of the Z-Wave Network Controller

  1. press and hold the pairing button for 20 seconds and release the button afterwards
  2. LED shines yellow for 3 seconds
  3. as long as the LED shines yellow (see previous step) press the pairing button once

Testing the connection quality

  1. press and hold the pairing button for 11-15 seconds and release the button afterwards
  2. LED shines purple for 3 seconds
  3. as long as the LED shines purple (see previous step) press the pairing button once and the test mode starts
green = stable network quality
green blinking = device is establising a direct communication with the Z-Wave controller and is currently under review
orange = network quality sufficient
orange blinking = device is able to communicate with the Z-Wave controller and is currently under review
red = communication failed
  1. press pairing button once to end the network quality test