Teison EV charger integration

First of all, I’d like to say hello to everyone. I have a question about the Teison EV (https://www.teisonev.com/) electric car charger. Does anyone in the community own such a charger? Unfortunately, my version does not support OCCP, so I cannot use the existing integration. However, the manufacturer’s dedicated application “Teison Me” works with the charger and allow to control it remotly. I did some investigation and reverse engeneering on Android app and I have a Postman collection with requests to theirs API that allows me to perform basic actions such as:

  • authorize
  • list paired chargers
  • fetch each charger status
  • enable plug&play mode
  • start and end charging
  • change power limit

Would any of you, with experience in creating extensions for HA, perhaps want to create some add-on? Or maybe there is some simple way to integrate with the REST API, not only for reading sensors, but also sending POST commands, such as setting the charging power?


hi, i also interesting in this - cause i got version as you without OCCP… :frowning:

i got some info regarding this charger
It communicates via MODBUS RTU

i got address tables

Unfortunately i am not able to do more with this info.
Can some one who understands make integration with this info? i will share whole excel

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