Telegram bot and inline keyboard URLs

Hey everyone,

I would like to be able to open the companion’s app using a button in a telegram message and I’m trying like this:

  title: "Update available for:"
  message: >
    {% for entity in states.update if entity.state == "on" %} - {{
    }} {{ entity.attributes.installed_version }} -> *{{
    entity.attributes.latest_version }}*

    {% endfor %}
      - [["Open H.A.", "homeassistant://navigate/config"]]
action: notify.telegram_group_home

But it seems URL only work for HTTPs. Anyone successfully used scheme “home assistant” or has heard that it will be made available some day?

Oh well, it just crossed my mind that it may be a limitation of Telegram instead… and it is!

Bad Request: inline keyboard button URL ‘homeassistant://navigate/config’ is invalid: Unsupported URL protocol