Telegram Bot integration

Guys, once again i need your help with something that i’ve been struggling for the last couple of months. I tried searching this on the forum and online but couldn’t find something to help me in my situation.

I’m using the “notify” service to send a message via bot on Telegram in several automations. The message bot works perfectly with no flaws. However, i wanted to take it a step further and include photos in the messages, and for this i’m aware i have to use the “telegram_bot.send_photo”. The problem however is , anytime i’m trying to send a photo that’s saved locally in the “www” directory, it won’t work, if i change the template and send a photo from a URL, that works.

service: telegram_bot.send_photo
  file: /local/temperature-cold.png
    - -XXXXXXXX (<-- group id)
    - XXXXXXXX ( <-- user id)

Searching online, i found out i need to whitelist the directory by adding certain lines in the configuration.yaml file. Did this, and it’s still not working.

  allowlist_external_dirs:     (had this changed to "whitelist_external_dirs:" and still no luck)
    - /config

I checked the configuration file, and restarted HA, still no luck. So, in my mind, i think i’m doing something wrong with the whitelisting of the directory and i can’t for the life of me understand what is it that i’m doing wrong.

I also want to add this to 2 different automations, where i’m getting a Telegram message with a picture when my Nest camera is detecting movement, and …
I also wanted to get some sort of notification where i’m being told what media is playing on Plex. However, from the entire list of variables, all i’m getting is "User X is playing “media title” on Plex “device”. "

The name of the media and the device are correct, however, no actual picture appears in the message.
I know i may be causing a lot of headaches and this stuff may be extremely simple for some of you, i do have some knowledge when it comes to HA, however i’m not an expert, so i’m trying my best to understand. But now i really need your help with this, and i’ll really appreciate every bit of help received. Bellow is the code i use for Plex:

alias: Notifications Plex new
  - platform: state
      - playing
      - paused
      - media_player.plex_plex_for_android_tv_shield_android_tv
  - platform: state
      - playing
      - paused
      - media_player.plex_plex_for_android_tv_shield_android_tv
  - service: notify.jarvis
      title: |
        {% if username == None %}
          {{prevusername}} {{devstate | replace('idle', 'stopped')|replace('unavailable','stopped')}} on {{device}}
        {% else %}
          {{username}} {{devstate }} on {{device}}
        {% endif %}
      message: |
        {% if username == None %}
          {% if prevseries == "" %}
            {{ prevtitle }} {{devstate | replace('idle', 'stopped')|replace('unavailable','stopped')}} on {{device}}
          {% else %}
            {{ prevseries }} - S{{'%02d' % prevseason}}E{{'%02d' % prevepisode}} - {{ prevtitle }} {{devstate | replace('idle', 'stopped')|replace('unavailable','stopped')}} on {{device}}
          {% endif %}
        {% else %}
          {% if series == None %}
            {{ title }} {{devstate }} on {{device}}
          {% else %}
            {{ series }} - S{{'%02d' % season}}E{{'%02d' % episode}} - {{ title }} {{devstate}} on {{device}}
          {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
        icon_url: |
          {% if username == None %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
        notification_icon: mdi:plex
        tag: |
          {% if username == None %}
            {{prevusername}} {{device}}
          {% else %}
            {{username}} {{device}}
          {% endif %}
mode: restart
  device: "{{ state_attr(trigger.entity_id, 'friendly_name') }}"
  series: "{{ state_attr(trigger.entity_id, 'media_series_title') }}"
  title: "{{ state_attr(trigger.entity_id, 'media_title') }}"
  picture: "{{ state_attr(trigger.entity_id, 'entity_picture') }}"
  username: "{{ state_attr(trigger.entity_id, 'username') }}"
  season: "{{ state_attr(trigger.entity_id, 'media_season') }}"
  episode: "{{ state_attr(trigger.entity_id, 'media_episode') }}"
  devstate: "{{ trigger.to_state.state }}"
  prevseries: "{{trigger.from_state.attributes.media_series_title}}"
  prevtitle: "{{trigger.from_state.attributes.media_title}}"
  prevpicture: "{{trigger.from_state.attributes.entity_picture}}"
  prevusername: "{{trigger.from_state.attributes.username}}"
  prevseason: "{{trigger.from_state.attributes.media_season}}"
  prevepisode: "{{trigger.from_state.attributes.media_episode}}"

To answer my own question, in case someone else needs help with this issue, in order for this code to work properly instead of using “local” you need to write the exact directory path like below:

service: telegram_bot.send_photo
  file: /config/www/temperature-cold.png
    - -XXXXXXXX (<-- group id)
    - XXXXXXXX ( <-- user id)