Telegram broadcast

Hello, is it possible to send Notifications with Telegram to a Group.
I’m note able to do that . My homeassistant is only sending messages to me, but not to the members of my familygroup.



did you check the configuration? It does mention sending through group id and the telegram bot should be a member of that group.

thats my configuration, i have invited the bot to the group, but i don‘t know whre i can accept that
the but is marked as “invited”

Telegram Broadcast


  • platform: broadcast
    api_key: xxxxxxXXXXxxXXxxxXxxxxxXXXXXXXXXX
    • -XXxxxXxxXXxx

The Notifcation apears only in the bot of my Phone

you just invite the bot to you group just like any other member.

Ok i did that… I invited the Bot to the group and the Id in allowed chat IDs is the ID from the Group?
Hmmm Can i make a restart or reboot or something liek that?
If the Notification is send, only the Bot bot on my personal Iphone shows it.
If i open the bot for example on the Iphone of my Wife, no notification apeears.

Thanx for your help

Telegram notify a group

the perfect solution for my/this problem