Hi all, trying to get telegram notifications working under HASS 40.1 Hassbian, so far no errors from the config but no notifications either. The docs (https://home-assistant.io/components/notify.telegram/) example uses a package called ‘telegram’ which I assume is a custom module since I cannot find it on Github, only finding telepot (https://github.com/nickoala/telepot) and another called python-telegram-bot (https://github.com/python-telegram-bot). When I login to HASS and
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate, python3 >> import telegram
I get an error
No module named 'telegram'
Am I mistaken, or is Telegram broken?
EDIT: OK my problem was an ‘Invalid token’. Confusingly when you make the url request ‘bot’ is appended to the beginning of the token, but is omitted in the config.yaml entry…