Telegram broken?

Hi all, trying to get telegram notifications working under HASS 40.1 Hassbian, so far no errors from the config but no notifications either. The docs ( example uses a package called ‘telegram’ which I assume is a custom module since I cannot find it on Github, only finding telepot ( and another called python-telegram-bot ( When I login to HASS and

source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate, python3 >> import telegram

I get an error

No module named 'telegram'

Am I mistaken, or is Telegram broken?

EDIT: OK my problem was an ‘Invalid token’. Confusingly when you make the url request ‘bot’ is appended to the beginning of the token, but is omitted in the config.yaml entry…

My Telegram did stop working after update to 40.2

I get this error

telegram.error.BadRequest: “Bad Request: wrong persistent file_id specified: can’t unserialize it. Wrong last symbol”

Anyone get a ide what could cause this?

For me it works fine on dev with Developer tools.

  "message": "The sun is {% if is_state('sun.sun', 'above_horizon') %}up{% else %}down{% endif %}!"