Hello. I decided to add notifications to Telegram. I paste a sample from the Telegram documentation into the configuration file and get an error
Setup of package ‘telegram.’ failed: Invalid package definition ‘telegram.’: invalid slug telegram. (try telegram). Package will not be initialized.
I spent two days and did not understand what my mistake was… I didn’t find anything like this either on the forum or on the Internet. Help please, what am I doing wrong?
I found what was wrong. The configuration file was called telegram.yaml As soon as I renamed the file how to sendmessage.yaml the error disappeared. Мaybe it’s a function word.
Now there is a problem with sending. The service is called without errors, but the message does not reach the telegram.
service: notify.ha_bot
message: test message
api_key and chatid are correct.
PS. Sorry if the questions are stupid, I used Domstick before, but now I decided to switch to HA.