Telegram Integration: Create Polls with bot

Telegram offers with their API to create polls:

I would love to see the telegram bot integration with this feature.

Can you explain how you would use the Poll feature in your home automation?

This is the working curl command:

curl -X POST -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d ‘{“chat_id”: “{{ telegram_chatID }}”, “question”: “this is my telegram poll?”, “options”: “yes”, “no”, “maybe”, “disable_notification”: false}’{{ telegram_bot_api }}/sendPoll

I would love to see an option like this for HA Automations:

          - service: telegram_bot.send_message
                  target: !secret telegram_chat_ID
                  question: 'My Poll question'
                     - „Yes“
                     - „No“

That’s “what” not “why?”.

Sorry, misunderstood that.

I am running my bot in different groups. One group is to Organise open events where people can „sign up“ via a poll if they will come or not. I would love to do that automatically via HA.
Another thing is for polling if people would come to our weekly volleyball training in our volleyball telegram group.

Both gets triggered by calendar events already in HA and is handled via curl (see above). But that makes it hard to handle variables etc. with official HA support that would get very very easy.

This feature was implemented with Homeassistant 2022.07