Telegram make me Crazy

Hello, everyone,

I’m slowly going crazy with the Telegram bot. I’ve gone through all the forum posts, but to no avail


I set up Telegram at home, works great:

  - platform: polling
    api_key: !secret telegrammatze
      - !secret MRID
      - !secret TRID

  - name: Ha_Matze
    platform: telegram
    chat_id: !secret MRID
  - name: Ha_Tanja
    platform: telegram
    chat_id: !secret TRID

Now i wanna help a friend, i do exactly the same but only the first bot Works. I’ve read that you have to message your own bot, I’ve done that to no avail.

If I set them up individually, both of them work.


Error sending message: Chat not found. Args: ('myID', 'test'), kwargs: {'parse_mode': 'Markdown', 'disable_web_page_preview': None, 'disable_notification': False, 'reply_to_message_id': None, 'reply_markup': None, 'timeout': None}

Anyone have a idea??


# Example configuration.yaml entry for the Telegram Bot
  - platform: polling
    api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
      - CHAT_ID_1 # example: 123456789 for the chat_id of a user
      - CHAT_ID_2 # example: -987654321 for the chat_id of a group
      - CHAT_ID_3

I think if you are adding more than one person you need to add the group chat id as well which is a number with a ‘-’ in front of it.

i have this here:

  - platform: polling
    api_key: !secret telematze
      - !secret MRID   (me)
      - !secret TRID   (wife)
      - !secret GRID   (group)
  - name: Ha_Matze
    platform: telegram
    chat_id: !secret MRID
  - name: Ha_Tanja
    platform: telegram
    chat_id: !secret TRID

  - name: Ha_Group
    platform: telegram
    chat_id: !secret GRID  

Me works
Group works
wife dosent work

So if you go into developer tools services and on top line type notify.ha_tanja and then put in a message she doesn’t get it.
Does she get message on the group if you use notify.ha_group?


services and on top line type notify.ha_tanja dosent work

But she get a message in the Group.

it doesn’t make sense to me

when you go into Developer tool and services and begin by typing just notify. does notify.ha_tanja show up as an option even?

yes all


when i try ha_tanja giv me this error in Log:

Error sending message: Chat not found. Args: ('myID', 'test'), kwargs: {'parse_mode': 'Markdown', 'disable_web_page_preview': None, 'disable_notification': False, 'reply_to_message_id': None, 'reply_markup': None, 'timeout': None}

I know you have messaged your bot from your phone. Get Tanja to message the bot from her phone. I played about with this last year and I can only send message to my wife if I send it to notify.my_wife. She doesn’t get if if I notify.our_group or telegram_bot.send.message I can get messages from the last two.

She may be happy just to get it on the group message. Tell her you got it sorted and that’s just how it works. :nerd_face:


I’ll try :smiley: