Telegram not sending on triggered automation

Hey there - relative newbie to HA and have taken stabs at notification via several videos. I have everything set up for Telegram (plus tested and working) and created automations that run when I hit Run Action but will not run based on the Tiggers I created using a door contact.

Not sure what I am missing.

/config/configuration.yaml is set correctly as far as I can tell:

Any input on what I might be missing?

Using “Run Action” bypasses the triggers and/or conditions of your automation. If “run Actions” works, but the automation doesn’t the problem is most likely in the triggers or conditions. Please post your automation (and autoamtion debug trace) so we can help you track down the issue.

Hey Drew,

As requested:

Hope this is the right bug report:

The real state of a binary sensor is “on” or “off”.

“Open” is the translated state depending on the device class. Always check the dev-tools in order to figure out the real state off an entity.

Funny - I had tried that but I used caps - working now. Thanks!!