Telegram notification: message missing, but picture gets sent

Hi everybody,

I am trying to send a notification when somebody remember to give one of our dogs their medication. Below is the yaml code; I previously had data instead of data_template, but neither of them work.

Can you please tell me what’s wrong with this? The template will work when using it in developer tools > template, and the picture does get sent; also, checking my configuration does not produce any error messages.

Thank you in advance for your help :slight_smile:

  - alias: "Button Aqara Küche Tammy Tabletten"
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.button_aqara_kueche_kuehlschrank_action
        to: button_6_single
      - service: notify.tg_gruppe_smarthome
        # previously just >
        #  data:
          message: >
            Karmi Tabletten gegeben (um {{ now().hour }}:{{ now().minute }})
              - file: "/config/www/img/karmi_derp_thanks.png"

It’s a “feature” of Telegram - it’ll work if you set the message as the caption.