Telegram notification with camera picture

Hi, I don’t know how to write notification with telegram that can send picture from my camera and all using ui automations :smile:

my camera:

- platform: generic
  name: UM

my notification:

- platform: telegram
 name: telegram_hubert
 chat_id: !secret telegram-1

and my automation that I want to modify and add camera picture in message:

I found this example in documentation:

  service: notify.NOTIFIER_NAME
    title: Send an images
    message: That's an example that sends an image.
        - url:
          username: admin
          password: secrete
        - file: /tmp/picture.jpg
          caption: Picture Title xy
        - url:
          caption: I.e. for a Title

Is that ok?

"tittle": "My message title"
"message": "Prognoza na jutro {{ states('sensor.pws_weather_2d_metric') }}"
"data": "photo": "url": ""

Your JSON format is all out of whack. I don’t know if this will work for you, but I’ve reformatted it so it’s at least correct JSON.

  "title": "My message title",
  "message": "Prognoza na jutro {{ states('sensor.pws_weather_2d_metric') }}",
  "data": {
    "photo": {
      "url": ""

ok, I pasted it and after save code changes to that:

  "data": {
    "photo": {
      "url": ""
  "message": "Prognoza na jutro {{ states('sensor.pws_weather_2d_metric') }}",
  "title": "My message title"

And I get in telegram only picture without informations from sensor.pws_weather_2d_metric

any news on that - i’ve got the same problem