Hi, Telegram is beeing blocked in Russia, so I need to use socks5 proxy to keep it running on HA. I use proxy_url and proxy_params configuration for telegram polling component.
Notifications work fine, but commands can not be processed by HA because the log says that HA can not connect to api.telegram.org. It seems that it doesn’t use my proxy congiguration at all. How to solve this?
i m waiting for solution too , we have a future request here
Can you show me the configuration?
In log I see:
ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.telegram_bot.polling] Cannot connect to host api.telegram.org:443 ssl:True [Network unreachable]
Telegram notifications work fine, but polling does not
HA version 0.67.0
Is someone knows how to make polling via proxy work ? maybe some sort of frontend proxy helps for this ? for now i think i can run another instance in vps and link it via mqtt.