Telegram sending data (Node-Red)

hi everyone.
i need to send a notification to telegram including the value of a sensor when a trigger is on.
how can i integrate this json?

“message”: "LOW VOLTAGE AT THE ENERGY METER (here i wanna see the value) ",
“title”: “VOLTAGE

the value is provide by a sensor.

Use telegram integration notify.

  - action: notify.NOTIFIER_NAME
      title: "VOLTAGE"
      message: "LOW VOLTAGE AT THE ENERGY METER: {{ states('sensor.METER_SENSOR') }}V"

it doesen’t work…

Is this Node Red? You should have said so if it is — it works differently and many of us have no experience with that.

Edit: updated title & category

sorry, yes, it is…

If you switch to using JSONata (J: expression) rather than JSON { } in the Action node, Data field, then you can do this quite simply.

    "message": "Tensione in ingresso bassa: " & $entities('sensor.shellyem_c45bbee27636_channel_1_voltage').state & "V",
    "title": "*TENSIONE CANTATORE"

You MUST change the Data field option to JSONata (not JSON) for this to work.

$entities(‘sensor.whatever’) is a function in JSONata (WebSocket nodes only) to return the given entity object. The & operator is the string concatenator. $entities(‘sensor.x’).state will return the state and add this into the string.

JSONata works more reliably than templating when constructing objects for the Action node Data field.