Telegram - silent messages

The new version of Telegram has introduced a new kind of messages: “silent messages”. It would be a great to have a working support for those in HA.
For example ive got a home Telegram channel where all the events are being posted. Im getting a still from CCTV whenever a motion is detected around my house, but i dont need a notification on all my devices whenever this happens. I would love to have a notification when my lock is tampered with though and when this happens i would love to scroll up and see latest CCTV stills from that area.
Right now i can only completely disable or enable notifications for my home Telegram channel, but with support for this feature i would be able to distinguish between unimportant, informative messages and serious warnings which need my immediate attention.

I accomplish this by having multiple Telegram channels for notifications of varying priorities.

However, if you want to use a single channel, I believe you can do this already using the telegram_bot.* service calls with disable_notification set to True.

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I thought that this is something Telegram just added in the latest version:

But its good to know its already supported in HA.

The silent messages feature in 5.10 is for user-to-user messages, which differ in feature set from what the Telegram bot API supports.

Acording to Telegram bot API bot can send messages to user users who will receive a notification with no sound.

This is the definition of optional parameter:

Parameter Type Required Description
disable_notification Boolean Optional Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
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