Telegram -

Need assistance with Telegram.

I am getting the following error spamming my logs:

2019-05-05 14:03:35 ERROR (updater) [telegram.ext.updater] Error while getting Updates: Conflict: terminated by other getUpdates request; make sure that only one bot instance is running (409)

Telegram appears to be working properly and all three notifications are working as expected in telegram. Only real issue is that my logs are filling up.

I have only one bot created with my telegram account. I then have three groups created HA_Status, HA_Logging, and HA_Alerts.

Here is my Home assistant configuration generalized to avoid providing ids and tokens:

  platform: polling
  api_key: mybot_token
  parse_mode: html
   - mytelegramchatid
   - groupid_1
   - groupid_2
   - groupid_3

  - platform: telegram
    name: Telegram_Logger
    chat_id: groupid_1
  - platform: telegram
    name: Telegram_Status
    chat_id: groupid_2
  - platform: telegram    
    name: Telegram_Alarm
    chat_id: groupid_3

Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot?



Today I update HA to 0.94.3 from 93.2… and now I have the same problem… do you have a solution?

By anychance are you using nodered and the chatbot nodes? If I disable/prevent nodered from also connecting to my bot, the errors stop in Home Assistant. Honestly haven’t worked on this much since my original posting. I was thinking about configuring both for webhooks (currently using polling) to see if it works without the errors.


I not use NodeRed but chatbot nodes…

  platform: polling
  api_key: !secret Telegram_key
    - !secret Telegram_cl1
    - !secret Telegram_cl2
    - !secret Telegram_cl3

I don’t have this errors with a old version…


same here, my automation wants to send messages but:

2019-06-22 10:45:19 DEBUG (updater) [telegram.ext.updater] Timed out getting Updates: Timed out
2019-06-22 10:45:19 DEBUG (updater) [] Entering: get_updates
2019-06-22 10:45:19 DEBUG (updater) [telegram.vendor.ptb_urllib3.urllib3.connectionpool] Starting new HTTPS connection (815):

any news how to fix this.


I’m still having this issue did anyone resolve it? (Am using node-red also)

Using node-red with Telegram, getting the same error messages every 5 seconds. Only have one bot, listening for a few commands. Disabling all flows still lets the errors come in.

Here is what I did, seems to be working. I have homeassistant telegram bot connected via webhooks. Node red is connected to the telegram bot via polling doing it this way I don’t get the errors every few seconds. My only issue is on restart of home assistant sometimes the telegram bot does not load. I think it’s a webhook thing. If I immediately restart the issue goes away. Haven’t troubleshot this issue yet.

My issue ended up being that I had two different node pallets related to Telegram installed. I deleted one and the error no longer shows up when debugging node red.

did anyone figure out how to fix this one?
i have the following in config.yaml

  • platform: polling
    api_key: xxxx
    • xxxx

I am am using the node red connections with the same API in the node.

Why not just use Node Red to handle all the notifications? Why involve HA at all?

Thank you for your reply! I was just brainstorming the same but I don’t know which node I would use to send a poll with command buttons

Use chatbot node palette

I have this installed now.

But I cannot figure out how to even push a message when a door opens :sob: next would be to push a massage with buttons. Hoping you can guide me.

Did you read chatbots documentation?

I have the same problem:
ERROR (updater) [telegram.ext.updater] Error while getting Updates: Conflict: terminated by other getUpdates request; make sure that only one bot instance is running (409)

You can’t use the bot in HA AND Node Red. Pick one or the other.

I don’t use node red, how to check?

Are you trying to connect to the bot with more than one app? HA and something else?

No, i have this configuration:

  - platform: polling
    api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      - yyyyyyyyyy
  - name: Michele
    platform: telegram
    chat_id: yyyyyyyyyy

And I have some notification inside the file automations.yaml