Telldus installation

Here is a description of how I installed the connection to Telldus ZnetV2 because the requirements have changed a lot recently and many of the posts are no longer valid.

I started from GitHub - quazzie/tellstick-plugin-mqtt-hass: Plugin for tellstick, connect to homeassistant via mqtt with autodiscovery. and followed some of the instructions.

In order to have support for local plugins you must contact Telldus Support, via
Open a support request stating that you like an updated Firmware with support for local plugins and that they insert the public key.

Once the support request is accepted log in to your TellStick Znet v2 http://[local IP] using your Telldus Live credentials. When logged in go to Plugins (beta) and from that click Manual upload and upload the downloaded package (from Releases · quazzie/tellstick-plugin-mqtt-hass · GitHub).

Edge and Chrome cannot be used to log in (no HTTP-support). They just generate 404 Not found with python errors. I used Firefox and it worked.
Whe you configure the MQTT name an password, have a account redy in Home Assistant.
Reboot after install and give it at lest 5 minutes before you continue.

MQTT needs to be installed on Homeassistant. MQTT Hostaname/Broker, username and password must match those specified in the MQTT add-on in Quazzie on Tellstick for Broker/MQTT Hostname, username ande password…

Telldus live should be autodiscovered. I have not got been able to get all units to be adopted at this time. Maybe the 429-error.

Good to know:
Almost all of my devices on Telldus Live disappeared or were renamed. After contacting Telldus support, they said that it was because I was in too much of a hurry when I rebooted Tellstick and started configuring further.
Telldus was able to restore the devices.

There is a limit to how much information you can read from the Telldus API and in some cases it generates 429 Client Error: Too Many Requests for url. It synced after a while.

In Tellstick, the MQTT hostame, MQTT username and MQTT password disappeare even though the credentials ar in there.

A few hours after I got it to work, it stopped syncing. Many tests later, I gave up. Irrational response och wrong informations in different fields made it very confusing and inpossible to debug.

If someone have tips, feel free to input…