Telldus live integration - can't authenticate to local Tellstick ZNet API

I am trying to integrate with my TellStick ZNet Lite v2 (fw 1.3.2) using the Telldus Live integration (integrations/tellduslive)

I have modified my configuration.yaml to provide the LAN address of my tellstick, and it shows up in my config/integrations/dashboard as a discovered integration.

I chose to direct connect to the local device, specifying its’ ip address (rather than fully integrating with telldus live)
Then I get a modal box asking me to authenticate against telldus live
This modal box has a hyperlink to ‘link to tellduslive account’ - this sends me to:
I login, and get redirected to{HMAC-SHA1}{66040de7}{vH1qtQ%3D%3D}&
And it is here that I get a 404 error with the following body:

The path ‘/tellduslive/authorize’ was not found.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cherrypy/”, line 670, in respond
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cherrypy/lib/”, line 217, in call
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cherrypy/”, line 61, in call
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/web/base/”, line 230, in call
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/web/base/”, line 202, in handle
NotFound: (404, “The path ‘/tellduslive/authorize’ was not found.”)

Powered by CherryPy 3.7.0

I have read that some users on here have been able to get past this using incognito / inprivate - I have tried this using chrome/firefox/edge but always end up with the same 404 error.

I really don’t understand how to resolve this, I wonder if the openid.return_to url incorrect? And if so, what should it be?

Btw I am able to integrate if I use the Telldus cloud offering instead, but I would greatly prefer to be able to interact directly with my local device.

same issue here. Still looking for a fix

I know this isn’t an ideal answer for you, but I just got it working now. Using safari on my wife’s mac. I think it followed the same url flow, I couldn’t work out how to get developer tools on that thing unfortunately, and I don’t have access to it right now. Even after I got HA working, I was still unable to browse the local API anywhere else, not even on the mac in windows bootcamp and chrome.

So it seems the http 404 error is very subjective. As I said before, I’d already tried on different browsers on different windows pcs without success, and had even used Safari on my mobile. Maybe trying a browser in Linux might give better results.

Just before I had my little success, I was considering using this nodejs client to try to get an auth token - GitHub - mifi/telldus-local-auth: Node CLI for assisting set up of local auth for Telldus Live local devices - don’t know whether it would have worked, or exactly what I’d have done with the token if successful, but it may be useful.

I hope this helps somewhat, btw I had contacted Telldus support a week ago, if I get anything useful in a reply, I’ll share it here.

I had the same issue, did not work with Chrome but i just tried with Pale Moon and there it worked! :slight_smile: