Since 6 days home assistant live hasn’t worked. They are having issues wth their servers or what not. But today most apps using telldus live came back online, but not the telldus live integration in home assistant. It stays dead with sensors reading unavailable.
Does anything need to be updated in the source? They talk about not using or you get blocked. Instead we should use but that can’t be changed in user configuration. What gives?
They say so, but several apps are working for me now. RemoteStick, TelLive and more. The only thing not working for me is Home assistant for some reason. Maybe they only have the api half-working? No idea. It’s frustrating as hell because it’s been a week and I can’t control my smart home.
The RF link solution was decently priced, but what else is needed to get it connected to the pi? Is this all that’s required? I have a ton of friggin 433mhz devices and thankfully nothing else. But the issue I have is that I have a million different brands and models. Not to mention a ton of sensors as well. I’m somewhat hesitant if an alternative solution can handle it all.
Good to know before I started messing around on my side!
I’m using an RFXtrx at home locally so avoiding the cloud service but…
I also have a bunch of 433Mhz devices located some 400 km away where I am dependent on the
Does anyone know of a device that can control 433Mhz devices and can be accessed remotely, via MQTT or some other way?
One way forward is of course to install an HA instance also at the remote site but I would be looking at other solutions first.
anybody that has been able to install telldus integration after December start?
I just get an unknown error…
First message that just is visible for a moment: “Please wait, starting configuration wizard for Telldus Live”
Then I get this message: “Unknown error generating an authorize URL.”
I’ve not tried reinstalling, but my existing configuration seems to not function. I haven’t dared trying to re-install it and from your message, I was saved from doing that as it evidently isn’t helping.
Telldus has handled this whole situation extremely poorly. We’ve been kept in the dark mostly on when and how to get things running again with threats of the API possible being decommissioned or made an extra charge to use, which is crazy.
I get the same message when I access through my local IP address. When I use their server instead, the number of devices I get up varies each time I retry. Sometimes none, sometimes most, but never all. Moreover, switches that are included just don’t work from HA (they work from Telldus). I thought I got a temperature value from a sensor, but it is just stuck at one value.
Hope something happens here soon.
Seems we have the exact same situation. I’m starting to loose hope. Looks like they’ve abandoned the api by now. Ironically, not even their own app works 100%
Yeah, doesn’t seem to work properly here either. Error 429 (Too many requests for URL), despite being set to only update every minute, way higher than their requested 10 seconds.
Probably ditching them completely once I find a doorbell that fits our needs and doesn’t use their system. Already swapped out most thermometers. Rather put the subscription money towards Nabu Casa or so instead of Telldus.
Right. I’m going away too but I haven’t had the energy to find a good solution yet. My issues is that I have so many brands of stuff that telldus is using today, not to mention I have actually two tellsticks to cover my house. I don’t know what solution to get to not have to buy a bunch of new outlets etc.
Sorry for the slow reply sick kids and all that so no time to set stuff up. The rflink solution works perfectly I have multiple different brands of 443mhz plugs around the house. I could not recommend it more, one down side is I also have some Zwave in wall light dimmers. I need to get a USB Zwave stick. Everything is working now with no reliance on a third party cloud/api. This guide made the set up relatively easy more than anything for me it was finding the time to do it. I was a little lazy when it came to the solution from nodo and opted to use their solder service. There the construction of the kit and configuration but it is just one USB cable to plug it in to Raspberry Pi running HA. I’m not sure about using multiple RFlink devices but it might be possible. It worked out a bit more expensive than the Teldus solution for me but this was due to needing a separate Z-wave controller. I now have everything thing up and running.
That looks really nice and the soldering service would be an absolute requirement on my end. The issue I see is that I need an external antenna. The Helix built in will just not cut it for the interference I have to cut through here.
I’ve looked at the RFXTRX433E which seems like what I need including support for an external antenna, but it’s pretty pricey for what it is I think. And then we have the multiple points issue again. Telldus was a fine solution, until it wasn’t.
@tigersoul Sorry again I have not been reading through this thread. The first thing I would ask is how do the tele stick you have 400 km away communicate with teldus?
@tigersoul good to hear you have found a solution that works well for you. It’s a shame what Teldus did I’m sure they alienated a good number of people who bought there equipment. They probably could have been a bit clever about how they did this. Eg existing customers are not force to sign up for a subscription to a service they have seen using for years, only new customers. But in the end they are in business to make money. Not sure how long they will last though as there are many better and cheaper products in the same market space
I’m speculating that they are near the announcement of closing down but we’ll see. Maybe I’m just bitter for being treated poorly
It is a shame though. I’m happy with my solution however and it’s really nice having it all locally. 433mhz isn’t going to become more popular exactly but I love these cheap price of switches etc.
Last winter I gave in and paid for premium but was so pissed off with what is basically lock-in extortion, that I looked into using HomeAssistant with Google Assistant SDK. Guess what? IT WORKS!
Telldus allow free integration using the Google Home mobile app (you don’t need any extra hardware) and once that is connected, Google Assistant can send commands like “turn on dining room heater”. In HomeAssistant you add the SDK and with a simple Automation to check the weather report temperature (and/or on a schedule) and it turns on the heating as required.