Telldus not responding

I have a Tellstic v2 that used to work but now my HA can not find devices.

Failed request

20:26 components/ (WARNING)

Failed request: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url: http://192.168.x/api/sensors/list?includeValues=1&includeScale=1&includeIgnored=0

20:26 components/ (WARNING)

Failed request: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url: http://192.168.x/api/devices/list?supportedMethods=915&includeIgnored=0

20:26 components/ (WARNING)

Everything look ok on the Telldus live website and I can log on to the local ip from my web browser.
I have both disvovery and Tellduslive in my configuration.
Any idea why I can not contact the device?