As of yeasterday my Telldus sensors become unavailable.
I am running at core version 0.118.4, HassOS 4.17 and Supervisor 2021.01.4
My integration with Telldus is with this line in the configuration.yaml
These are the error messages in the log file
```Failed to refresh access token: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:
7:38:58 – /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ (ERROR)```
```Failed request
7:50:01 – Telldus Live (WARNING) - message first occurred at 7:38:59 and shows up 12 times```
```Failed request: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:
7:50:01 – /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ (WARNING) - message first occurred at 7:38:59 and shows up 24 times```
I suspect that the supervisor did an update and have something to do with this, but I am not sure.
I have tried both a restart and a reboot without help.
The sensors are available via telldus web page and my Telldus gateway is only and hasn't change IP address.
So any help please on how to solve this?