Tellstick installation on HassIO

Yes the first part is deployed with the libraries in the homeassistant docker.

Now the telldus daemon will be put in an add-on to expose the unix socket, pvizeli has prepared some parts in the tellstick python and created a tellcore-net service for communicating with the tellstick daemon.

I think he will dig deeper in to the addon to enable communication between the tellstick daemon and homeassistant using socat.

Currently there is no beta to test yet.

@pvizeli unfortunately it seems like the modifications made to broke tellstick support for non-hassIO users as reported here

The compilation and installation of telldus-core (including the daemon) is added inside the homeassistant docker so we only need a way to trigger the daemon for hass…

  1. for hassIO - Check if tellstick: is in configuration.yaml (or add unique service trigger in config?)
    then start the already existing telldusd in docker early or prior to loading hass.

  2. we should really add -DSYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR=/config when compiling telldus-core in dockerfile for putting tellstick.conf in the shared folder rather than /etc.

I have tried it locally using modified in homeassistant docker calling telldusd & >/dev/null and it fires up like a charm and communicates with my devices in homeassistant.

This would mean that we don’t need any changes in
Just my humble opinions, there might be other reasons for not wanting the telldus daemon running inside the docker?

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Could you share on how you did this so others also can get their tellstick running?

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I have only got it running via debugmode and it is quite tedious to go through the process as well as if you restart or update hass the modification has to be added again…

So i think the best way forward is to get a release on track that has this built in…

There seem to be a new telldus-core-packade for raspberry pi in beta. unstable main.

I don know if this helps but i thougt i would let you know. I heard this in a facebook group.

Latest status…

Work is still ongoing…


Any update on this?

Addon is created you should be able to find it in official hass-io repository in your hass.

As it looks there are still some things to sort out on how home assistant can communicate with the addon and interact with the daemon/service.

You need to add these parameters in your configuration.yaml, but i still receive errors from hassio when rebooting that it is unable to communicate with tellstick service due to the work that remains to complete the interaction…

    host: core-tellstick
    port: 50800

Please try to install the addon and refresh the logs, you should see something like this:

[Info] Initialize the tellstick configuration
[Info] Run telldusd & socat
telldusd daemon starting up
Connecting to TellStick (1781/C31) with serial A501****

This means that the daemon is started, parsed the config and the addon can connect to your hardware.

The addon seams to work fine but im getting som errors in tha log.

2017-11-25 12:57:43 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Unable to find component Switch
2017-11-25 12:57:43 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for Switch: Component not found.
2017-11-25 12:57:43 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Unable to find component Tellstick
2017-11-25 12:57:43 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for Tellstick: Component not found.

That is as expected. Hassio is not yet ready to communicate with the add-on.

Pvizeli is working on this step.

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Thanks for the info.
Any idéa on when this will be released or how far he has come?

My wife have tons of christmas decoration that i dont want to run all over to turn off

Will this addon work with the Tellstick Net?

I believe Tellstick Net is a different story… isn’t the net already supported in hassio?

Yes the Net works fine in setup it according to description about the component.

Hang in there.
Tellstick and Tellstick Duo support for is around the corner with 0.59…

Big thanks to @pvizeli!


¨Yes, I know that the Net works using Telldus live, the problem is that their service is sometimes slow and unreliable. And if Home Assistant loses connection to the internet it wouldn’t be able to control the switches anymore. Thats why I was wondering if this worked with Tellstick Net so it could be used without connecting to the Telldus live server.

Added feature request to be able to issue Learn command to tellstick.
This is important for hassio and imho it would be a clean solution to the problem.

Please go and vote on the feature if you agree:

I can not see that this solution would work out of the box for Tellstick Net.
It would be a separate track to investigate.

Maybe this project could be something to look in to for Tellstick Net:

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Maybe a stupid question but where should I put in the tellstick.conf?
I have seen the gui option to add but that seems not so easy to add the conf, adding more than one switch gives I cant save.

So I guess I should be able to put the file in some conf directory as well. Easier to check syntax as well.


Tellstick.conf is generated by the data you input in the addon conf.

you must follow JSON format
See the example on the bottom of the page here:
Note the comma sign separating the devices