Temp visualization

Hi. I’ve been searching through a lot of posts, but when It comes to Temps+History+sensors there’s a huge amount of answers but I can’t find nothing that I can use.

My goal is to be able to see the temps from 00:00 to 07:00 from the last X days (let’s say 7) but just this period of hours from each day in a continuous graph.

I’ve been looking at helpers but sensors and temps helpers are 24h long and I just want data from 0 to 7 but without the need of looking day by day.

Thank you very much.

Hi, in the history_graph card you can set the amount of hours you want to view back.

Stock history-graph card currently allows to see a graph for the LAST xxx hours.
May be in some future it will allow to see a time span "“time1 … time2”.
Currently only some custom graph cards like “apexchart” (google it) allows to select that time span.