Hi, I’ve set up the DECT200 component and its working fine as a switch. However, i would like to be able to see further measurements, such as temperature readings or power usage.
Is there any way how i could achive that? Thats in advance!
Hi, I’ve set up the DECT200 component and its working fine as a switch. However, i would like to be able to see further measurements, such as temperature readings or power usage.
Is there any way how i could achive that? Thats in advance!
Any ideas? I can see temperature values when i click on my DECT200 entity, but i would like to display them right in the card (besides the state of the switch).
Hi Benjamin,
you can do that with ‘Template Sensor’ https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.template/
Add follwing in your configuration.yaml in sensor section:
- platform: template
value_template: '{{ states.switch.YOUR-DECT200-NAME.attributes.Temperature }}'
friendly_name: 'Temperatur Wohnzimmer'
EDIT: To see the temperature from the DECT 200 in the card, you have to add the sensor in the group
name: Wohnzimmer
- light.wohnzimmer_lampe
- switch.ambiente
- sensor.wz_temp
and with customize you can also change the icon:
icon: mdi:thermometer
assumed_state: false
i know this is an old thread, but i tried it the way @alisarioglu described above, but i do not getting any reading from my DECT 200.
The Sensor is showing, but no reading availabe.
I get the same results as in Post #1 (Switch working, upon click i see all data incl. temperature.)
any guess?
Hi, in case still relevant as I cam across recently as well. the “T” in Temperature" is in capital, but should be in lower case.
platform: template
value_template: ‘{{ states.switch.sophias_liight.attributes.temperature }}’
friendly_name: ‘Temperatur WZ’
unit_of_measurement: ‘°C’
Even if this Thread is old, I think my question belongs here for others who might have the same question
I wanted to add a graph by adding this:
- sensor.wz_temp
But I only get an ugly bar. unit_of_measurement
will influence the graphical presentation but I get: Invalid config for [sensor.template]: [unit of measurement] is an invalid option for [sensor.template].
Please help, thanks
I have found the solution
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
value_template: '{{ float(states.switch.YOUR-DECT200-NAME.attributes.temperature) }}'