Temperature alert problems

I have this configuration:

    name: TH 1 switch is on
    done_message: Switch is off
    entity_id: switch.th10_1_switch
    state: 'on'
    repeat: 30
    can_acknowledge: True
    skip_first: False
      - mike
    name: TH 1 is cold
    done_message: TH1 is warm
    entity_id: binary_sensor.th10_1_cold
    state: on
    repeat: 30
    can_acknowledge: True
    skip_first: False
      - mike

  - platform: template
        value_template: '{{ (states.sensor.th10_1_temperature | float) < 75.0 }}'

Currently the temperature is 76.1 degrees F but th10_1_cold is still on.

Also, yesterday, I got it to toggle state but the (SMTP) notification did not complete. Notifications work fine if I toggle the switch but not on temp (hass.io connects to the smtp server but never completes the email).

Would love to know what I am missing.

Found the issue. Incorrect syntax, even though it checked OK. Correct this line (note slightly different quotes):

value_template: "{{ states('sensor.th10_1_temperature') | float < 70.0 }}"

I am not sure (and can not find a good reference) of how states. vs states() differs but it works this way.

I still have the notification error so will close this and file a bug report.