I bought 4 pieces of temperature and humidity sensors. Under the tuya application they work without any trouble. I am currently migrating to HA and unfortunately Conbee II does not see them. Are you able to help me somehow?
If the temperature and humidity values are not showing, go to the device in HA and select Triple Dots → Manage zigbee device → select TuyaAirQualityHumidity in clusters → measured_value in attributes → read attribute. Repeat the same for the TuyaAirQualityTemperature cluster. Restart HA again. Verify in the device’s ‘Download diagnostics’ that the temperature and humidity are no longer unsupported values - you may need to refresh the page to see the sensors.
Just to confirm following the solution for joel2024 works. I did this for both the humidty and temperature attributes, restarted HA and they appeared as expected.