Shelly mobil app show correct temperature when moving device from cold to heat.
HA dos not show temperatures changes only one temperature over time. See picture.
Obviously, my YAMT script never trigger an email when temp is above 25C
shelly app temp/hum threshold is set to 0.5 C for quicker update to HA
Find solution, now HA show temp correct.
shelly device configuration (generation 1)
Generation 1 devices use the CoIoT protocol to communicate with the integration. CoIoT must be enabled in the device settings. Navigate to the local IP address of your Shelly device, Internet & Security > ADVANCED - DEVELOPER SETTINGS and check the box Enable CoIoT.
We recommend using unicast for communication. To enable this, enter the local IP address of the Home Assistant server and port 5683 into the CoIoT peer field and push SAVE button. This is mandatory for battery operated devices (even if USB connected). After changing the CoIoT peer, the Shelly device needs to be manually restarted.