I searched forum for this but could not find anything concrete to say yes or no, I know this is also posible via code in the cards, but what about via the ui for climate devices.
So for example if you set color to auto in a card for light it folows light color, and if you use more advance card options like var(–button-card-light-color) it follows this too
So how about in the settings of a climate device or any temperature sensor device we have a color range option, so when using auto or var(–button-card-light-color) it will follow these, here are some quick photoshop moch ups for the general idea I am thinking.
why this is for entities, is not having a easier way of setting colors for ranges via ui as I presume the popups, graphics editing parts that are not code based are part of the UI? correct me if I am wrong.
I think what’s important here is that the request is from an outsider/user view, but there’s also an implementation view (perspective).
From an implementation perspective, it’s a best practice to separate the data/information from the display of it (one simple reason is that there could be multiple, orthogonal interpretations). HA has tried to follow this, from what I see.
Thus, cards are what you use to display things, and it’s cards that interpret the data. In other words, one wouldn’t typically set colours on an entity or device, but I get what you mean from a user’s perspective. There are as usual grey areas, e.g. it’s common to set a friendly name with a sensor’s definition.
For lights, the logic sits in the cards. What you want, I think, is for climate cards to have such options. There is one caveat though: there’s probably an emotional connotation between the feeling of a colour and a temperature, which makes it subjective. Where I live 5°C is considered quite cold, for example.
I just thought this would be a semi good idea if possible as it can be adapted to batteries, solar etc with color being a good indicator of levels set by the end user.
Sure, but you’re missing my point: It can’t really be a backend feature, which is the case if you set attributes or such on the entities or devices. It needs to be supported in cards, which are used to display things. I just know that the way your FR is stated, it’s unlikely to ever be implemented, so if you can restate it while understanding this difference, then it might. I get the merit of your intentions though.
For example, I use the custom button card for lights because it displays the light colour on the card (with some of my own tweaks). Lights are relatively easy, since you’re mapping the same visual experience to another one (the colour of a light to a computer display). Climate is another ballgame. The range for living temperatures is different from your fridge’s or greenhouse’s, and what indicates cold vs hot isn’t the same in all these cases.
One thing I didn’t mention before is that one also need to keep frontend themes in mind. Can’t display a colour on a background that matches the foreground. Things like that are tricky to solve. This is even an issue for light colours: Can’t display a white light icon on a white background, so you need to pick something else, which then makes it ambiguous.
and thought I can code a color for icon and state in a card, but for a webfilter (the glow on cards, cant seem to find anything related to that) it would be much better if you could set via device class or entity and then just use auto or var for filters and its why I thought of this.
For example, I use the custom button card for lights because it displays the light colour on the card (with some of my own tweaks). Lights are relatively easy, since your mapping the same visual experience to another one (the colour of a light to a computer display). Climate is another ballgame. The range for living temperatures is different from your fridge’s or greenhouse’s, and what indicates cold vs hot isn’t the same in all these cases.
This was my intention, to allow you to pick the color for a states range so you decide what color is what depending on range and theme and then select colors to match each devices purpouse. but then I suppose that would create the headache of how to impliment that, maybe a helper would of been a better suggestion for this, but then the part of it working in the same way light color does would mean device class which then rules it out I suppose as your be setting these colors for all cimate entities.