Temperature Gauge Card

Hi All,

I’m trying to create a new gauge card from a template: here
I need some guidance on how to create the 2 entities:

entity_min: sensor.barometer_min_this_week
entity_max: sensor.barometer_max_this_week

Were do i need to create them and set the value’s?
This might be a dumb question but i can’t find were to start :blush:

here I do this way

to get the Max/Min i have

  - platform: min_max
    name: kids room temperature max
    type: max
      - sensor.kids_room_temperature
      - sensor.kids_room_temperature_max
  - platform: min_max
    name: kids room temperature min
    type: min
      - sensor.kids_room_temperature
      - sensor.kids_room_temperature_min

this give me the my min max
now the this week bit I dont do it but should be something like.

think we need to use the history_stats

base on reading should look some like

  - platform: history_stats
    name: kids temperature max last 7 days
    entity_id: sensor.kids_room_temperature_max
    type: time
    end: '{{ now() }}'
      days: 7

but only thing I can’t workout is the what the STATUS is as it a moving total

hopely pointing you doing the right path

Thanks for helping!. Can you explain why there are 2 entity_id’s?. What does it create?

my thinking (logic)

if sensor.kids_room_temperature > sensor.kids_room_temperature_max then
that comes to new sensor.kids_room_temperature_max

so the get the max temperature of the sensor