Temperature hardware

I’m looking for a simple thermostat to report back the temperature in a room. I’ve been reading the DIY projects about DHT11 boards and ESP32, but I came across this variant and a wifi controller for it…
…and I was wondering whether that would do the job, and if so, how would I get the wifi details onto it… and would HA pick it up automatically?

Grateful for any insight please.

I would just go with an out of the box solution if you want something simple and easy to setup like the shelly version:

Don’t see a point to DIY solutions where there are plenty of options for these devices out there, DIY should really be limited to more stand alone situations where you don’t have any other options for a custom setup.

For zigbee I am using one of these currently to get the data for my bedroom since installing an Airgradient One in the loungroom in its place:

That is an absolutely brilliant suggestion. Thank you.

Managed to find a reasonable deal in the UK for three from Sonoff’s own store at just over a tenner each. From China wasn’t much cheaper per unit, and would have meant a longer wait.

And its consistent in accuracy (don’t mind the lack of graph data, it’s a bug with my current install I am waiting to see if the next release fixes it).

Bathroom I am using a switchbot hub2, Bedroom is the Sonoff Sensor I linked and the lounge is the Airgradient one so I can monitor levels and prevent mold issues.

Also if you use multiples then I can suggest to setup a Feels like Temp helper for the median temp in the home:

Thanks. My problem is lack of action. We’re on economy 7 storage heaters so they’re not responsive. What I’ll be using this sensor for is to check the temperature in the bedroom at 9:45pm. If it’s below a certain temperature, it’ll switch my electric blanket on for half an hour :wink: - No more forgetting to put on the blanket and getting into a freezing bed!

I have mine setup in my AC automation for summer and winter as well so that if the Temp reading from my weather integration for Australian Bureau of Meteorology or the internal Feels like Temp matches a set threshold then to turn on the AC in either heat or cool mode and only during the times when electricity is cheaper during the week.

For the bed I have a pressure mat with 2 of its wires just attached to an aqara leak sensor in occupancy mode for automation’s to run when it detects me for 10 and 30s then after 5min of me being in bed lol.

it’s a rabbit hole of QOL things you can setup with HA.

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