Temperature/Humidity Sensor Gone Haywire on Home Assistant

Hey everyone,

I’m having an issue with my temperature and humidity sensor on Home Assistant. It’s showing crazy values sometimes (like 50°C or 100% humidity). I’ve checked the placement, changed the batteries, but nothing seems to work. Has anyone else experienced this?

Any ideas or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

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I would run that data thru a filter to remove obvious sensor glitches.

Even if it is a failing sensor or low battery, those can fix the current issues at least temporarily and it will prevent them in the future.


Could start by telling us what model of sensor it is, what protocol it is communicating with, how you have integrated it into HA…

It’s a stick from switchbot which goes through a hub 2 which itself is connected by matter, but it’s not yet ready and on my 3 sensors, whether temperature or humidity, there are problems.

I have the same problem today with the switchbot humidity sensor. The switchbot app shows the correct values while home.assistant hasb127% humidity and 128,5°C luckily I didnt die with those values…

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I added lines to configuration.yaml, is this correct? but I don’t understand how to set the values:

  • platform: filter
    name: “Température Extérieur lowpass”
    entity_id: sensor.humiditysensor_temperature
    • filter: lowpass
      time_constant: 10
      precision: 2

Is there a way for the filter to be retroactive?

The values are a bit of trial and error for me. I’m sure math people know, but I try this and that. For back data there a process to manually edit history, I have not used it, The energy enthusiasts do so that topic might be a good one to search, or the HA Docs.