I’m having an issue with my temperature and humidity sensor on Home Assistant. It’s showing crazy values sometimes (like 50°C or 100% humidity). I’ve checked the placement, changed the batteries, but nothing seems to work. Has anyone else experienced this?
Any ideas or solutions would be greatly appreciated!
It’s a stick from switchbot which goes through a hub 2 which itself is connected by matter, but it’s not yet ready and on my 3 sensors, whether temperature or humidity, there are problems.
I have the same problem today with the switchbot humidity sensor. The switchbot app shows the correct values while home.assistant hasb127% humidity and 128,5°C luckily I didnt die with those values…
The values are a bit of trial and error for me. I’m sure math people know, but I try this and that. For back data there a process to manually edit history, I have not used it, The energy enthusiasts do so that topic might be a good one to search, or the HA Docs.