Temperature line chart

Hi list,

When i click on a temperature sensor, i see a bar chart … Is there a way to change the type of the graph ? i would prefer to see a line chart.



Which platform are you using?
unit_of_measurement is probably missing


it’s for an aeotec multisensor 6 through zwave.

Is it a parameter i need to put in the customize file ?

Using the same config, with version 0.45 , by default it’s a line chart … but with 0.54, it’s bart chart. Something has changed between the two versions.

Ok, i found. It was the unit_of_measure finally.

In customize.yaml :
friendly_name: Humidite haut
icon: mdi:water-percent
unit_of_measurement: ‘%’

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The only thing that worked for me was to call the Service: recorder.purge with this json: { “keep_days”: “0” }
For my Aeotec 6 multisensor I changed the Command Options setting from Basic Set (default) to Binary Sensor Report first, before calling recorder.purge