Temperature Sensor DS18B20 is connected to a Sonoff TH 10 with Tasmota 6.3.0
The Temp. Sensor is working fine with Tasmota. The Topic is: TH10
The console reading is:
Hi all,
Apologies if this is something simple, I’m still getting to grips with Home Assistant.
I’m having trouble getting the same sensor setup to work. I’ve used Node Red debug to confirm the MQTT topics and data show (topic: “tele/SonoffTH/SENSOR”
payload: “{“Time”:“xxx”,“DS18B20”:{“Id”:“xxx”,“Temperature”:17.8},“TempUnit”:“C”}” and have replicated and changed the above to reflect my current naming convention, but am struggling to get it to show the Temp data in HA The Sensor is setup as below. I suspect I’m missing something daft, any corrections would be appreciated.
The speech marks used in name and state_topic were the wrong double speech marks as they’re different from the ones in value_template + I changed the value_template to “{{ value_json.DS18B20.Temperature }}”
Much easier. As this had Tasmota running, I simply ran “SetOption19 1” on the devices console and Home Assistant picked it up automatically with none of the messing around.
Oh well, chalk it down to a learning experience