Temperature sensor for Broadlink RM2 Pro Plus3

Hi, I’ve the Broadlink RM2 Pro Plus3 I’m using it to send IR codes, and it’s works perfect. When I’m trying to use the temperature sensor, I get that the current temperature is 0 The following is my configuration:

  - platform: broadlink
    host: !secret broadlink_host
    mac: !secret broadlink_mac
    timeout: 15
    friendly_name: 'Broadlink kitchen'
  - platform: broadlink
    host: !secret broadlink_host
    mac: !secret broadlink_mac
    scan_interval: 30
    - 'temperature'

Any suggestions ?

Are you sure it has the temperature sensor.

My newest RM2 Pro doesn’t include one and I they stopped including them entirely in the later models. Unless they put them back in… :thinking:


I seams that you are right the RM2 plus don’t include the temperature sensor :sleepy: