Temperature Sensor for Woodstove

I’m wanting to control my woodstove blower based off of the temperature of the woodstove. Is there a Infared temperature sensor, if not what are you using?

I’d love to know if there’s a wireless temperature sensor for my woodstove stuation. It’s an insert woodstove for an older fireplace. The flue isn’t readily accessible, but I’d like to be able to read the flue’s outside surface temperature (within the chimney) remotely. That would be about the stove and the fire temperature.

For comfort now we use a temperature sensor for the ceiling, and the room’s current Nest temperature as triggers in an automation to control the woodstove and ceiling fans. To make sure they run when there’s heat to push, but stop when it’s cool OR when it getting overheated. A smart outlet is used for the woodstove fan, and a Shelly 1PMpro behind the wall switch for a simple on/off for the ceiling fan.

Hi Jeff Decker,

Use a thermocouple.
Get a k type thermocouple from a ceramic kiln store and connect it to an amp made for that, max6675 or equiv. They are esphome compatible or arduino. I’ve connected some to a raspi and use a python script.

I’ve had one in a firebox for over 5 years, tells me the state of the fire continuous.