Temperature Sensor from Termostat

I have a couple thermometer sensors that, with switches & space heaters/air conditioners, I’ve made Generic Thermostats for rooms. I want to graph the various sensor temperature readings which works great with the thermometers, but when I add the real thermostat, it includes the target temp and highlights when running–which I don’t want.

Can I extract and create a sensor from the Thermostat that is only the thermometer?


If you are looking to extract the current temperature form the thermostat entity, you can do this with a template sensor like below.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "1st Floor Temp"
        entity_id: climate.1st_floor
        unit_of_measurement: "°F"
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.thernostat', 'current_temperature') }}"

Make sure that you change climate.thermostat to the entity id of your thermostat.
If you are looking for some other thing, please do ask.

That did the trick (I had to throw in a unique_id, though). Thank you so much!

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