Temperature Sensors

WIreless sensor tags by CAO are the best imo.


Iā€™ve been recently looking to solve the same problem knowing that wifi is probably not very good for a battery powered component. I bumped into this https://www.instructables.com/id/LoRa-Tooth-Small-Wireless-Sensors/ and also https://www.aliexpress.com/item/nRF51822-Bluetooth-4-0-BLE-SOC-Temperature-Atmospheric-Pressure-Acceleration-Sensor-Module-Gyroscope-Light-Sensor-MPU6050/32816579479.html?spm=a2g0s.12269583.0.0.38cd131a4EysQH which seems to be programmable https://github.com/kasbert/nrf_beacon_itcpolyuhk

I bought both the ITC multisensor device and the purple https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Nrf51822-LIS3DH-Bluetooth-Module-CJMCU-8223-Bluetooth-acceleration-module/32821873481.html?spm=a2g0s.12269583.0.0.3ec758d8u9ZJfY

They havenā€™t arrived yet and havenā€™t started playing yet so I canā€™t advise any further!

What I do is get sonoff or Wion wifi controlled plugs and flash with tasmota and add dht11 or bme680. That way you have power taken care of and as a bonus have a switched outlet.

Hey buddy- do you fancy writing up a post on that temp sensor you created. Obviously the 3D printed case would be a bonus!

I could probably work on that this weekend.

I started using these in various colors of PLA:

I havenā€™t finished my own design yet, which will incorporate a wall charger into the design.

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Fantastic!! But deffo should be under share projects forum :+1: