Temperature target to my air conditioner from a thermostat in the room

Hi, anyone can figure out what i’m doing wrong?

i’m trying to set a temperature target to my air conditioner from a thermostat in the room.
i created an automation that at every change in the target temperature on the heater thermostat that should replicate to the air conditioner.
but this is the error

expected float for dictionary value @ data[‘temperature’]

i’ve checked the values on the template tab under developer tools and look ok

this is the code:

service: climate.set_temperature
metadata: {}
  temperature: {{states('sensor.temptarget_camera1') | float}}
  hvac_mode: heat_cool
  entity_id: climate.condizionatore_1

Quote your single line templates.

  temperature: "{{states('sensor.temptarget_camera1') }}"

wow… i wasted 5 hours!

Thanks man!

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