"Template Alarm control panel" How to personalize Value Template?

Hello everyone,
I would like to personalize the status of the alarm that we can see on the right top bottom of the card.

Well, my idea is to set something like this:

alarm_control_panel.zone_1 → OFF
alarm_control_panel.zone_2 → OFF
results → Disarmed

alarm_control_panel.zone_1 → ON
alarm_control_panel.zone_2 → OFF
results → Zone 1 Armed (with blue badge [if it’s not possible, ok green])

alarm_control_panel.zone_1 → OFF
alarm_control_panel.zone_2 → ON
results → Zone 2 Armed (with blue badge [if it’s not possible, ok green])

alarm_control_panel.zone_1 → ON
alarm_control_panel.zone_2 → ON
results → Totally Armed (with green badge)

How can I do it?
I’m not able to use templeting

(Template Alarm control panel - Home Assistant)

Sample Green Badge

Many thanks!

Someone can help me please?

Thanks :wink:

help me pleease :cry:

UP :pray:


What’s wrong on my thread?

What you’re asking for would require the Template Alarm Control Panel and the Alarm Panel card to support custom values in order to display custom messages like “Zone 1 Armed”, “Zone 2 Armed”, and “Totally Armed”.

However, they don’t support custom values. Here’s what they do support:

For Template Alarm Control Panel, its value_template option should report one of the following 9 values:

The Alarm Panel card is designed to interpret those values and then display them using short predefined messages (in your native language).

indeed, I would like to create a template that result in some predefined messages.

But I’m not able to write templates.

Something like this:

if Zone1 and Zone2 are both armed; “Armed”
else if Zone1 are armed and Zone2 disarmed; “Zone1 Armed”
else if Zone1 are disarmed and Zone2 armed; “Zone2 Armed”
else if Zone1 and Zone2 are both disarmed; “Disarmed”

If it’s possible, also by changing the colors of icon.

At the moment I use this one:

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ states('alarm_control_panel.esterno') }}"
#        value_template: "{{ (is_state('alarm_control_panel.esterno','armed_away')) and (is_state('alarm_control_panel.interno_garage','armed_away')) }}"
        name: Home Alarm
#        code_arm_required: true
          service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
              - alarm_control_panel.esterno
              - alarm_control_panel.interno_garage


I know you want to do that but, as explained in my previous post, it’s not supported by Template Alarm Control Panel and the Alarm Panel card.