Template Binary Sensor Won't Show As An Entity

I’m using the /config/templates.yaml folder for my template sensors.
Apologies for this very vague question but they were working and are no longer working.
They don’t appear as entities and no longer appear in the logbook.
I don’t know when they stopped, my question is has anything changed in regards to Template Binary Sensors recently? Thanks

 - binary_sensor:

      - name: basem_laund_mot
        state: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.trdlaundry', 'on')
             or is_state('binary_sensor.trdbasement', 'on')
             or is_state('binary_sensor.xdwbasementstair_contact', 'on')
             or is_state('binary_sensor.XDWLaundryDR', 'on') }}
      - name: bedroomsensornew
        state: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.xmmbedroom', 'on')
             or is_state('binary_sensor.bedroom_motion_occupancy', 'on') }}

Nothing has changed and assuming your !include for the templates file is still valid and that there is no invalid code above what you have shown then what you have should work.

Note: what you are doing with these templates can also be accomplished with groups (any binary sensor on → group on).

Here is a screenshot of my template yaml. from the top down.
Still no joy.
If I were to pursue the group option is it possible to combine sensors that are on with sensors that are off?

You cant use capital letters in entity_ids.

No, you need a template for that. I missed that that some are required in different states.

I removed the capital letters and it worked until I added a second sensor below it. I removed all of the template sensors and started playing around with the indentation in the yaml file. What ultimately solved it was the following. Removing the dash if front of binary_sensor, and adjusting all of the indentation. I had to restart HA and the file editor add-on separately to get it to work. I’m not sure what happened I guess I must have changed something but I’m fairly certain I didn’t. Why it worked and then didn’t is odd. Thanks for your help on this.