Hi all, I am attempting to use a template sensor that will be set to true if a date (from another sensor) is within 1 day of the current date.
I am using a custom integration that will pull in my garbage collection schedule, but it gives me 2 sensors (one for garbage, one for recycling) that are just hard coded dates. For example, the sensor.garbage
= December 30, 2024 at 12:00 AM.
In my template, I am getting the sensor date as a useable value by doing this:
{% set dt = states('sensor.garbage') | as_datetime | as_local %}
I am then calculating if that date is within 24 hours of the current date like this:
{{ now() - dt >= timedelta(hours=24) }}
This partially works. It gets set to true on my garbage collection day. I am trying to get it set to true 24 hours before my collection day (so I can use it as a reminder to take out the garbage cans).
Does anyone have any ideas how I can refactor this template sensor to show as true when it is 24 hours before my collection date?