Trying to sort a list of media players and obtain the one with the newest state attribute: media_position_updated_at. This template fails with UndefinedError: 'homeassistant.helpers.template.TemplateState object' has no attribute 'media_position_updated_at'
{{ states.media_player | selectattr('attributes.media_position_updated_at', 'defined') | sort(reverse=true, attribute='media_position_updated_at') | map(attribute='entity_id') | list | first | default(none) }}
Entity: media_player.office_echo_dot_left
State: standby
State attributes:
- Local Speaker
friendly_name: Office Echo Dot Left
supported_features: 56253
is_volume_muted: false
media_content_type: standby
media_position_updated_at: '2023-08-13T02:21:51.181611+00:00'
source: Local Speaker
available: true
bluetooth_list: []
last_called: true
last_called_timestamp: 1691888921265
last_called_summary: what time is it
volume_level: 0.21
{{ states.media_player | selectattr('attributes.media_position_updated_at', 'defined') | sort(reverse=true, attribute='media_position_updated_at') | map(attribute='entity_id') | list | first | default(none) }}
{{ states.media_player | selectattr('attributes.media_position_updated_at', 'defined') | sort(reverse=true, attribute='attributes.media_position_updated_at') | map(attribute='entity_id') | list | first | default(none) }}
Unfortunately, now that I have a working template, it’s no help. When I say “Alexa” several within listening distance update their media position. When I say something else, the one taking control of the converation updates media position but then that is followed quite quickly by an updated media position for media_player.this_device which is alexa on my phone, even though my phone is locked and dormant. I’m trying to find a way to work around media_player.last_alexa failing to update in a timely manner, or be able to determine when the service call update.last_alexa has completed but alas, it seems hopeless. IF there’s a change to be made then there’s an event service_registered which I can watch for but if there’s no change to be made, there’s no indication of that fact in HA, at least from what I can tell So, I have to hardcode a fixed delay in scripting, which if too small results in the previous last_alexa being summoned, or an error as there’s no service in HA to call at that instant, and if too large is annoying!
After reflecting on this a bit, I did some more tests and the media_postion_updated at must only be a reflection of which device heard something and not which alexa took command and responded as now I see office_echo_dot_left, office_echo_dot_right and then living_room_echo_dot_left update their media position when I say “alexa” but after asking a question, office_echo_dot_left answers but the most recent media_position_updated_at remains as living_room_echo_dot_left. Useless!
Another thought… After I invoke a script via (alexa scenes), if the script is interactive I always execute service: alexa_media.update_last_called as the first step. I just tested speaking to the same alexa and manually running the service call and I see the last_called_timestamp update even if there’s no change in media_player.last_alexa (i.e. attribute last_called: true). That same alexa just shows an updated timestamp for last_called. Might there be a way to watch for that change in all alexa’s last_called_timestamps via a template?
I’ve created a script I can execute at the beginning of other interactive scripts. I’ve added it to script.good_night and it seems to be good! Minimal delay and she interacted with me from the new alexa!
alias: Update sensor.last_alexa - wait for tmestamp to update
- service: alexa_media.update_last_called
data: {}
- wait_for_trigger:
- platform: state
- sensor.last_alexa
attribute: last_called_timestamp
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 5
milliseconds: 0
mode: single
Thank you for your templating expertise! I think I am learning…